Bankruptcy can be incredibly stressful for anyone to go through. Once your matter has been closed, you may wonder what the next steps are. To ensure that your remaining accounts and property as well as yourself and your loved ones are protected in the future, we encourage you to consider an estate plan post bankruptcy. […]
Bankruptcy’s Effects on Estate Planning from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
Bankruptcy may be one of the last things on your mind when you are creating an estate plan. Fortunately, the number of bankruptcy filings has declined over the past several years, but there were still a whopping 544,463 bankruptcy filings in 2020.[1] What happens to your estate if you file for bankruptcy protection but die […]
Effect of Bankruptcy on Estate Planning, from Austin Estate Planning Lawyer Liz Nielsen
Bankruptcy may be one of the last things on your mind when you are creating an estate plan. Fortunately, the number of bankruptcy filings have declined as the economy has improved, but there were still a whopping 773,361 bankruptcy filings in the United States during the 12-month period ending June 30, 2019, according to statistics […]