Deferring, minimizing, or avoiding estate taxes altogether is often an important estate planning goal for married couples. However, uncertainty surrounding what the estate tax laws and the value of their accounts and property will be at the first spouse’s death can leave a couple feeling that they need a crystal ball to make the right […]
Tax Planning
Yours, Mine, and Ours: How Including a Pour-Over Trust Can Simplify Your Planning from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
A number of married couples think about their accounts and property as “yours, mine, and ours,” especially if either or both spouses have gotten or will be getting remarried, married late in life, or have brought or will be bringing significant amounts of money and property into the marriage. Deciding what should happen to all […]
Why Singles Should Worry about Estate Planning from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
As a single individual, you may feel overwhelmed about estate planning. If you don’t have many assets, you may wonder if an estate plan is even worth it. Yet, for single people, estate planning matters very much, since there is more than just probating your estate. Questions of who can act on your behalf when […]
The Basics of Basis: What You Need to Know from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
“Basis” is a term used frequently in tax law. But for many, the term is unfamiliar and intimidating—perhaps something they feel is better left to a certified public accountant to worry about. Nevertheless, a basic understanding of the concept can be very helpful for understanding important estate planning strategies used by your attorney and financial […]