Avoiding probate is a common goal for individuals deciding how they want their money and property to be handled when they pass. It is a worthy one and is regularly promoted by estate planning attorneys across the nation. However, probate is not an inherently bad process and does not always need to be avoided. Here […]
Is Our Home Community Property or Separate Property, and Why Does It Matter? from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
When two people get married, the property they obtain during their marriage is called marital property. This includes anything from real property like homes and rental properties, stock options, investment accounts, heirlooms, and employment income. A common assumption is that spouses want to share their property once they’re married. This assumption is not always true, […]
What Is a Separate Revocable Living Trust? from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
When a couple engages in estate planning, one of the first questions tackled by their estate planning attorney is whether it makes sense for the couple to use a revocable living trust (RLT) as a part of their plan. If so, an important follow-up question for married couples should be whether it makes sense for […]
Who Should Attend Trust and Estate Administration Meetings? from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
A loved one’s passing is felt by their entire surviving family. But when it comes to carrying out the decedent’s final wishes, not everyone has an equal say. In fact, in many cases, only one person—the executor (for a will) or trustee (for a trust)—plays a role in carrying out the final wishes. This role includes […]