Getting married is a special time in your life; you may have a beautiful wedding, a fun reception (with a delicious cake and special gifts), and a romantic honeymoon. While estate planning might seem an odd choice, but it is also the right time for you and your new spouse to plan for your future—for […]
Does Your Revocable Living Trust Reduce Your Federal Estate Tax Bill? From Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Neilsen
Many believe that once they set up and fund a revocable living trust, property held in the trust will completely avoid federal estate taxes after they die. In reality, a Revocable Living Trust (RLT) does not exactly provide any unique estate tax avoidance strategies. The primary mechanisms for reducing estate taxes—the unlimited marital deduction and […]
Estate Planning for Collectors and Hobbyists From Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
Americans often prefer to stay busy. When we are not working, many of us turn to hobbies to keep us engaged and productive. We spend hours each day on our hobbies and leisure activities. Over the course of a lifetime, this time adds up to a significant investment. Our hobbies, passion projects, and pursuits may […]
Handling a Loved One’s Debts After They Die From Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Neilsen
Americans are, quite literally, getting buried in debt, with nearly half expecting to pass away with outstanding debts.[1] The questions of what happens to your debts vary, both on the kind of debts they are, how they are owed, and the laws of your state. Unsecured debts, such as federal student loans, are typically forgiven […]