Selecting a Trustee of a Special Needs Trust – Some Things to Consider From Austin Estate Planning Lawyer Liz Nielsen

selecting trustee

Today we are sharing a post from the Special Needs Allicance newsletter The Voice. The Voice is the e-mail newsletter of The Special Needs Alliance. This installment of The Voice was written by Special Needs Alliance member Daniel Surprenant, CELA, who practices law in Massachusetts. Selecting a Trustee – Some Things to Consider Parents and […]

Challenges for Adults with Autism in the Workplace

Adults with Autism in the Workplace

Leigh is a 39-year-old with moderate autism who has a masters degree and years of experience in library science. Yet he has struggled to find a job in his profession. He explains “I’m so high-functioning that I don’t really register as disabled, but I’m not high-functioning enough that I can easily utilize anything social.”