It goes without saying that estate planning is incredibly important and is more than just having a will or a trust. Estate planning offers a sense of security for you and your loved ones that your wishes will be carried out. With such an important and personal endeavor, selecting the right Wills and Trusts Attorney is crucial.
3 Things You Must Do Once Your Divorce Is Final from Austin Estate Planning Lawyer Liz Nielsen
The divorce process can be long and expensive. However, the work does not end once the divorce decree is signed. In order to ensure that your assets and estate planning wishes are carried out in light of this major life change, there are three things you must do as soon as possible after divorce.
Why Not Just Go on NoloⓇ and Create Your Own Estate Planning Documents Cheaply? from Austin Estate Planning Lawyer Liz Nielsen
There are many software programs, as well as websites, that sell do-it-yourself estate planning documents. These websites and form tools seem to offer a convenient and cost-effective alternative to consulting with an estate planning attorney. But do they really meet your needs and protect your family? Is online, do-it-yourself estate planning worth the perceived upfront savings?
How to Fix 5 Common Estate Planning Problems from Austin Estate Planning Lawyer Liz Nielsen
Not surprisingly, most people loathe reviewing their estate plan because it can be both confusing and daunting. Others do not want to think about death and avoid the topic altogether. If you already have put an estate plan together, you are ahead of the curve as many people do not have one. If you do […]