Recent U.S. Supreme Court Case highlights importance of updating beneficiary designations after divorce from Austin Estate Planning Lawyer Liz Nielsen

Life insurance after divorce

Last week, the United States Supreme Court issued a ruling on a case involving life insurance beneficiary designations  after divorce.  Mark Sveen had named his wife as the beneficiary of his life insurance policy.  They got divorced, but Mr. Sveen did not update the beneficiary.  Court ruled that divorce invalidated the beneficiary designation in favor […]

The Biggest Threats to Successful Estate Planning from Austin Estate Planning Lawyer Liz Nielsen

Successful estate planning threats

Poor estate planning is a recipe for disaster. Look no further than Dickens’ Bleak House—or a telenovela—to witness the tragedy and melodrama inadequate estate planning can cause. While having your estate planning documents prepared is the first hurdle to overcoming these types of disasters, there are several threats that lurk around the corner that might derail your wishes. A little planning can help you avoid these threats to successful estate planning.