Many people who put together an estate plan do so when they start a family – assuming they put an estate plan together at all during their lifetime. While putting an estate plan together is a good thing to do, many people make few updates once the plan has been created, despite other key life […]
new home
3 Tips For Every New Home Owner from Austin Estate Planning Lawyer Liz Nielsen
Congratulations on the purchase of your new home! Whether this is your first home, an upgrade, or you’re downsizing, purchasing a new home is a big event in your life. When these major life changes occur, it is important that you are properly prepared. Below are a few things for you to consider now that […]
One Call You Must Make After You Buy a Home That You’ve Probably Forgotten from Austin Estate Planning Lawyer Liz Nielsen
During the home buying process, you worked with a lot of individuals: your realtor, the seller’s realtor, the title company, the loan officer, and the home inspector. Now that you have finalized the purchase of your house, there is one more expert you need to call: your estate planning attorney. Aligning Your Ownership with Existing […]