Your retirement account may be one of the most valuable things you own. Many people consider naming their children as the beneficiaries of these accounts because they think it is a way of easily transferring their wealth if something happens to them. However, there are some factors that make this type of transfer more complicated […]
Minor Children
Estate Planning is Not Just for the Wealthy From Austin Estate Planning Lawyer Liz Nielsen
It is a common misconception that financial management and estate planning are useful for only the wealthy. But estate planning is not just for the wealthy. Regardless of how much you have in the bank, you and your family can benefit from planning ahead for the future. If you fail to do so, you could […]
Five Considerations When Selecting a Guardian for Your Children from Austin Estate Planning Lawyer Liz Nielsen
There is no question that having children changes everything — and your estate planning is no exception. If you and your spouse pass away or become legally incapacitated, and arrangements were never made in the event of such an emergency, your minor child or children will have to be placed with a new family. Not […]