Agent Now Has Duty to Preserve Estate Plan from Austin Estate Planning Lawyer Liz Nielsen

Austin Estate Planning Lawyer

Imagine a situation where daughter is serving as the agent under mom’s financial power of attorney.  Mom’s estate plan provides that her estate will pass 40% to daughter, 40% to son and 20% to mom’s favorite niece.  The main asset in mom’s estate is a nice (and very valuable) Westlake home.  In order to avoid probate on mom’s death, daughter files a lady bird deed, naming daughter and son as the only beneficiaries of the family home.  Does the slighted niece have any recourse?

Four Reasons Why Estate Planning Isn’t Just for the Top 1 Percent by Austin Texas Estate Planning Lawyer Liz Nielsen

Estate Planning Lawyer Austin Texas Liz Nielsen Law

There is a common misconception that estate plans are only for the ultra-rich – the top 1 percent, 10%, 20%, or some other arbitrary determination of “enough” money. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth. People at all income and wealth levels can benefit from a comprehensive estate plan. Sadly, many have not sat down to put their legal house in order.