Many people associate spring with cleaning out the old, brushing off the dirt accumulated from the long winter, and starting projects around the house that have been neglected for far too long. Perhaps, however, your home is fine as is and you need a remodeling project for something other than your home. Estate planning is […]
Living Trusts
What is Trustee Self-Dealing? from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
A trustee usually has quite a bit of discretion in their management of a trust’s accounts, money, and property (known as assets). At the same time, as a fiduciary, a trustee also owes the trust’s beneficiaries a duty of loyalty, which prohibits the trustee from self-dealing. This blog has touched on a trustee’s fiduciary duty […]
Pour-Over Will: Not Your Average Will from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
Wills and trusts are the two basic legal instruments that people use to pass accounts and property on to their loved ones at death. Although a revocable living trust is often used in place of a will, the two are not mutually exclusive. You can have both a will and a trust, and in fact, […]
Mental Health Considerations in Estate Planning from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
It is okay to not be okay. Removing the stigma of mental health starts with realizing that many people—about one in five of all US adults–are affected by mental illness. Understanding this fact can lead to more people getting the help they require, not only by seeking guidance from a mental health expert, but also […]