When you hire an attorney for estate planning, help with a loved one’s estate, or any other legal matter you want to make sure that the work gets done as quickly as possible and at the best possible value. Here are some tips to have the most useful and value-oriented law firm experience. The more […]
Initial Meeting
Estate Planning: 3 Reasons We Run the Other Way from Austin Estate Planning Lawyer Liz Nielsen
We understand that it feels hard to get around to estate planning; it sounds about as fun as getting a root canal (even worse for some people according to this study!). However, we also understand that we all want to make sure that our loved ones are protected and receive our hard-earned assets – regardless of whether we have $10 million or $10,000.
If I Don’t Have an Estate, Do I Really Need an Estate Plan?
Even if you wouldn’t ordinarily consider yourself the owner of an estate, it’s quite likely that you are.
How to Get Organized to Meet With Your Estate Planning Attorney
OK, great! You’ve finally decided it’s time to meet with an estate planning attorney and get your affairs in order. It’s time to make sure your family is protected.
Now that you’ve scheduled the first appointment, what’s the next step?