How much stuff is too much? Most Americans would probably admit that they own too many things. From clothes to electronics to sports equipment to collectibles, the typical US house is stuffed to the brim with items of questionable utility. On occasion, we may commit to decluttering, only to get overwhelmed or distracted. Meanwhile, the stuff […]
The Difference Between a Trust and a Will by Nielsen Law’s Frances Chlebowski
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by legal lingo when it comes to creating an estate plan. There are many legal strategies involved in estate planning, including wills, revocable living trusts, irrevocable living trusts, testamentary trusts, special needs trusts, and more. But what even is a trust – and what is the difference between a trust […]
What Happens to My Leased Car If I Die Before the Lease Term Ends? from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
After a house, a car is often the second-most valuable piece of property a person owns. About 15–20 percent of new vehicles are leased rather than purchased and financed. Leasing is a popular alternative to traditional financing because it can allow the lessee (the person who leases a vehicle) to drive a more expensive car on […]
Limited Impact of Estrangement on Estate Planning from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
Unfortunately, rifts sometimes arise between family members that are much more serious than just temporary squabbles. The result may be estrangement, defined as “the state of being alienated or separated in feeling or affection; a state of hostility or unfriendliness” or “the state of being separated or removed.”[1] Estrangement does not mean that the relationship […]