When you met with an attorney a few weeks ago, perhaps all you expected was a simple will. Maybe you thought that, with your situation, the work should be easy and the documents should be few. But now that you have finished working with the attorney, your parting gift is a large binder filled with […]
The Rights of Illegitimate Children from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
Despite what some believe, children born to unmarried parents are commonplace. Historically, children in this category have been treated poorly by both society and the law. In many cases, they had no right to inherit from either parent. This legal scheme eventually changed and provided means for these children to inherit from their mothers, but […]
The Lesson Plan for Your Estate Plan from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
In honor of the recent Teacher Appreciation Week (the first week of May), we are taking this opportunity to say a bit “thank you” our teachers for their time and dedication to teaching the future generation. Teacher, you provide the foundational knowledge necessary to ensure the success of tomorrow’s leaders. We are here to make […]
Everything You Never Knew about Disposing of Your Remains: Pt 3. – Keeping it Green From Austin Estate Planning Attorney Elizabeth Ziegler
The impact of our lives, and even our deaths, is becoming a growing concern for many people. Cemeteries have been described as “landfills for bodies,” which year after year are filled with wood, metal, concrete, and embalming chemicals. Moreover, the graves are then covered with grass, which must be watered, fertilized and cared for to […]