Estate Planning is not usually on the forefront of Millennials’ minds. There are lots of things they worry about, but what happens to their estate if they die or become incapacitated is not usually one of them. The Millennial generation consists of individuals born between 1980-2000. These consist of young professionals and new parents, both […]
Digital Assets
Cryptocurrencies and Estate Planning: What You Need to Know From Austin Estate Planning Lawyer Liz Nielsen
Cryptocurrencies have been making headlines as of late, with more and more investors wanting in on this digital currency. Cryptocurrencies are attractive because they are unregulated, decentralized, and anonymous. While secrecy is useful in some areas of life, when it comes to estate planning it can lead to disaster. Indeed, your entire cryptocurrency investment can […]
Digital Assets: An Estate Plan For Your Online Accounts from Austin Estate Planning Lawyer Liz Nielsen
Did you ever wonder what happens to your digital footprint when you pass away? Well you should, particularly if you are part of the 77 percent of Americans who go online every day. As the internet has become more of an integral part of our lives, our information — pictures, videos, financial, emails, social media […]
Run-In with Online Thieves from Austin Estate Planning Lawyer Liz Nielsen
We have all heard the typical online scams, ranging from e-mails from a Nigerian Prince to emails from your cable service provider reaching out to you to confirm your social security number. Try as we might to keep informed of potential online thieves, it seems it can happen to best of us. A notable victim […]