Americans are, quite literally, getting buried in debt, with nearly half expecting to pass away with outstanding debts.[1] The questions of what happens to your debts vary, both on the kind of debts they are, how they are owed, and the laws of your state. Unsecured debts, such as federal student loans, are typically forgiven […]
What Happens to Real Estate With a Mortgage When I Die? from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
Most Americans carry a certain amount of debt during our lifetimes, from unsecured credit card debt, to more substantial debt like a mortgage. When you pass away, your debts are an issue which must be addressed. What happens to your debts often depends on the type of debt and the state where you live. Debts […]
Collecting Debts on Behalf of Your Deceased Loved One from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
People often engage in transactions that result in money being owed to them, such as loaning money to a friend or business partner or renting a house to a tenant. But what happens if someone passes away before they receive the money owed to them? Can someone else collect these debts? If your loved one […]
What Happens to My Spouse’s Debts at Their Death? by Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
A spouse’s death creates a difficult and demanding time for the surviving partner. As much as you might want space and time alone to process your grief, you may have certain responsibilities related to settling their affairs, including paying off spouse’s debts. Most Americans have some type of debt. The obligation to pay debts does […]