Michael Bond, who passed away back in June of 2017, was an author and the creator of the adventurous, sweet and captivating character, Paddington Bear. Bond created the marmalade-loving bear from the “darkest Peru” in the late 1950’s out of his memories of refugee children in the Second World War. He wondered what would happen if […]
Blended Families
Why Not Just Go on NoloⓇ and Create Your Own Estate Planning Documents Cheaply? from Austin Estate Planning Lawyer Liz Nielsen
There are many software programs, as well as websites, that sell do-it-yourself estate planning documents. These websites and form tools seem to offer a convenient and cost-effective alternative to consulting with an estate planning attorney. But do they really meet your needs and protect your family? Is online, do-it-yourself estate planning worth the perceived upfront savings?
Beneficiary Designations and Blended Families: Why You Need to Think Before You Sign from Austin Estate Planning Lawyer Liz Nielsen
Whether you are in your first marriage or have remarried after a divorce, blended families are a common part of modern society. That being said, it is important to understand that blended families and subsequent marriages create important and unique issues when it comes to estate planning. You may need to account for a prior […]