Despite what some believe, children born to unmarried parents are commonplace. Historically, children in this category have been treated poorly by both society and the law. In many cases, they had no right to inherit from either parent. This legal scheme eventually changed and provided means for these children to inherit from their mothers, but […]
Blended Families
Unmarried Couples vs. Estate Law from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
According to a 2019 survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, 7 percent of surveyed adults were living with an unmarried partner. This number is up from 3 percent in 1995.[1] More people, such as yourself, are entering long-term committed relationships without getting married. Unfortunately for unmarried partners, married couples tend to enjoy greater protection […]
Estate Planning: Talking to Parents from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
Having a clear conversation about death and dying is never fun. Most people avoid them because they invoke feelings about our inevitable demise. Broaching this subject can be particularly difficult for parents and their adult children. Adult children may avoid bringing up the topic for different reasons. The most common are they don’t want to […]
Including a Noncitizen in Your Plan from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
With our society becoming increasingly mobile and international travel becoming more affordable than ever before, families and family-like relationships have steadily grown far more diverse in terms of citizenship. It is no longer uncommon for spouses from different countries to retain citizenship in their homelands. Many couples split their time between the United States and […]