Mortality it a touchy subject. No one likes thinking about when they’re going to die. They like contemplating the death of their spouse, or how their spouse and children will cope with their own death even less. This can be an especially touchy subject when young couples are building an estate plan together. The thought […]
Blended Families
What Is a Separate Revocable Living Trust? from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
When a couple engages in estate planning, one of the first questions tackled by their estate planning attorney is whether it makes sense for the couple to use a revocable living trust (RLT) as a part of their plan. If so, an important follow-up question for married couples should be whether it makes sense for […]
Divorce, Marriage, and Your Estate Plan from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
Divorce is more common now than it was in the past, as is remarriage. Depending on how long a prior marriage lasted, the former couple may have engaged in certain levels of estate planning together. When that is the case, it is important to understand how a subsequent marriage (or even a remarriage between spouses) […]
Multigenerational Wealth Transfer Checklist from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
Studies estimate that 70 percent of family wealth is lost by the end of the second generation and 90 percent by the end of the third generation.[1] To help your loved ones avoid becoming part of this multigenerational wealth transfer statistic, you need to educate and update your family about your wealth transfer goals and the […]