Using Assisted Reproductive Technology: What Happens to Unused Genetic Material at Your Death? From Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen

genetic material

When you think about how you want your property to be distributed after your death, most of the time it is easy to identify that property—your home, your cars, your jewelry, etc. But what about the genetic material used in assisted reproductive technology, such as frozen sperm, eggs, and embryos? Is genetic material stored with […]

LGBTQ+ Estate Planning to Protect You and Your Loved Ones by Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen

LGBTQ+ Estate Planning

For LGBTQ+ Americans, estate planning can be even more important. Despite same-sex marriages being legally recognized since 2015, couples composed of sexual and gender minorities still face estate planning challenges not encountered by other “traditional” same-sex couples. Issues such as unaccepting family members, child adoption by nonbiological parents, and LGBTQ+ couples living together unmarried underscore […]