There’s really only one thing you can be certain about in this world, that things change. If your life or the law has changed since you signed your will or trust agreement, you need to update your estate plan. You can make updates to a revocable living trust by way of an amendment or a […]
Beneficiary Designations
Estate Planning for Stay-at-Home Parents from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
Most American strive to earn a decent-sized paycheck to support themselves and their families when they go to work. Stay-at-home parents, however, work to provide valuable nonfinancial contributions to their families everyday. They make sure that the home runs smoothly and that their family members have what they need to be successful and happy. If […]
Does a Domestic Partner Have the Same Rights as a Spouse? from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
The short answer to whether couples in a domestic partnership have the same rights as married couples when it comes to estate planning is probably not. To a large extent, the state in which you live, and maybe even the city or county, determines domestic partners’ rights. What Is a Domestic Partnership? Everyone knows what […]
Can You Update Your Estate Plan On Your Own from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
Many people associate spring with cleaning out the old, brushing off the dirt accumulated from the long winter, and starting projects around the house that have been neglected for far too long. Perhaps, however, your home is fine as is and you need a remodeling project for something other than your home. Estate planning is […]