According to a 2019 survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, 7 percent of surveyed adults were living with an unmarried partner. This number is up from 3 percent in 1995.[1] More people, such as yourself, are entering long-term committed relationships without getting married. Unfortunately for unmarried partners, married couples tend to enjoy greater protection […]
Beneficiary Designations
Planning Tools for Unmarried Couples from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
The number of marriages in Texas has been in steady decline for years. The reasons for this vary, but it hardly means love or romance is dead. Most young couples choose instead to cohabitate, effectively acting as a married couple without the formality of a ceremony or even creating a common law marriage. Yet, these […]
Establishing and Transferring IRAs from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
Now, more than ever before, Americans are using a variety of tax-deferred accounts such as 401(k)s and IRAs to save for retirement. And while the laws are currently designed so that people must start withdrawing the money when they retire, it is not uncommon for many of these accounts to still have significant value at […]
Disinheriting a Child from Your Plan from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
One common storyline in Hollywood movies is the rich father disinheriting the family outcast. The story usually traces a child’s attempts to win their family back. But can fiction imitate reality? Can you actually disinherit a child? In most circumstances, the answer is yes you can disinherit a child in most states. However, you must […]