You regularly check the balances of your retirement, bank, and investment accounts. But when was the last time you checked the beneficiary designations on these accounts (and really, all the other accounts that allow you to name a beneficiary)? It may have been years since you first opened an individual retirement account, bought a life […]
Beneficiary Designations
Why Estate Planning is Important for Everyone from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
Regardless of your age, race, gender, or sexual orientation properly protecting your future and your loved ones requires a plan. Without estate planning executed by you, state law will fill in the gaps with default choices for your decision makers and recipients of your money and property. For some members of the LGBT community, both […]
To the Millennials: The Time to Plan Is Now from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
As a millennial, you are contributing to the workforce in a major way and are making positive changes in the world around you. We understand that your concerns may differ from someone of a different generation, and we are here to help you craft an estate plan that protects your future and addresses the things […]
What Is a Residuary Clause and Why Is It Important? from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
When developing your estate plan, it is nearly impossible to address every account or piece of property you own. There are sure to be some things you unintentionally overlook. However, by including a residuary clause, you can intentionally distribute any remaining items inadvertently left over during the estate or trust administration process to a named […]