No one wants to pay more taxes than they have to. To carry out this objective, many people search for the perfect estate planning tool that will allow them to control as much of their money and property as possible while reducing the amount they or their loved ones will have to pay the government. […]
What is a Blind Trust? from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
What Is a Blind Trust? Trusts are typically set up for the benefit of a trustmaker’s loved ones, a charitable organization, or a third party, with the trust money and property being distributed to the beneficiaries upon the trustmaker’s death. But there are situations in which a person may want to set up a trust […]
What if I Cannot Find a Beneficiary? from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
When someone who has named you as the executor of their will or the trustee of their trust passes away, you are obligated to distribute that person’s money and property according to the document’s terms to the designated beneficiaries. (For convenience, the roles of executor and trustee will be referred to throughout this article as […]
The Probate Process: The Dreaded (and Often Misconceived) Reading of the Will from Estate Planning Attorney Katlyn Winters
This blog has touched on some of our favorite estate planning and probate movies, including the 2019 who-dun-it, Knives Out. Revisiting this film in particular, and now we are looking at one of the most dramatic moments of the movie – the reading of the Will. In Knives Out, as well as many other movies, […]