Many people associate spring with cleaning out the old, brushing off the dirt accumulated from the long winter, cleaning out their closets, and starting projects around the house that have been neglected for far too long. Perhaps, however, your home is fine as is and there’s something else that needs to be updated this summer. […]
The Lesson Plan for Your Estate Plan from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
In honor of the recent Teacher Appreciation Week (the first week of May), we are taking this opportunity to say a bit “thank you” our teachers for their time and dedication to teaching the future generation. Teacher, you provide the foundational knowledge necessary to ensure the success of tomorrow’s leaders. We are here to make […]
Unwed Partner as Your Beneficiary from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
If I am unmarried but have a partner who I will leave my assets to, what is the best way to do so and how would it differ if I was married? When it comes to protecting your unmarried partner, there are several options to consider. Depending on the value of your money and property, […]
Establishing and Transferring IRAs from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
Now, more than ever before, Americans are using a variety of tax-deferred accounts such as 401(k)s and IRAs to save for retirement. And while the laws are currently designed so that people must start withdrawing the money when they retire, it is not uncommon for many of these accounts to still have significant value at […]