The reasons you, as a trustmaker (in Texas referred to as a grantor), create a trust are certainly special and important to you, but your intent or purpose for creating a trust can also have significant legal ramifications. For this reason, it is often critical that a grantor express in writing a statement of intent, […]
Yours, Mine, and Ours: How Including a Pour-Over Trust Can Simplify Your Planning from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
A number of married couples think about their accounts and property as “yours, mine, and ours,” especially if either or both spouses have gotten or will be getting remarried, married late in life, or have brought or will be bringing significant amounts of money and property into the marriage. Deciding what should happen to all […]
Will My Spouse Get What They Need? QTIP Trusts from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
Mortality it a touchy subject. No one likes thinking about when they’re going to die. They like contemplating the death of their spouse, or how their spouse and children will cope with their own death even less. This can be an especially touchy subject when young couples are building an estate plan together. The thought […]
Reasons Why a Trust Might Terminate from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
Nothing lasts forever. While trusts can stretch across generations and keep valuable money and property within a family, no trust has unlimited funds or an interminable time horizon. Every trust, at some point, will end. The reasons why a trust might terminate can vary, but in general, termination occurs because the trust has accomplished its purpose. […]