When crafting an estate plan, an important component is the Financial Power of Attorney document. In a financial power of attorney [1], you designate a trusted decision maker (agent or attorney-in-fact) to act on your behalf if you become disabled or unable to manage your financial affairs. Depending on the provisions you choose to include, your […]
Using Assisted Reproductive Technology: What Happens to Unused Genetic Material at Your Death? From Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
When you think about how you want your property to be distributed after your death, most of the time it is easy to identify that property—your home, your cars, your jewelry, etc. But what about the genetic material used in assisted reproductive technology, such as frozen sperm, eggs, and embryos? Is genetic material stored with […]
What Happens to My Spouse’s Debts at Their Death? by Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
A spouse’s death creates a difficult and demanding time for the surviving partner. As much as you might want space and time alone to process your grief, you may have certain responsibilities related to settling their affairs, including paying off spouse’s debts. Most Americans have some type of debt. The obligation to pay debts does […]
Remember to Update your Estate Plan After Divorce by Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
The divorce process can be long and expensive. Getting the final decree is the end of one big effort, which probably felt exhausting. Yet, the work doesn’t end once the divorce decree is signed. Once you have gotten divorced, it’s prudent to update your estate plan. More Work After Divorce? Why Bother? A divorce has […]