Many people associate spring with cleaning out the old, brushing off the dirt accumulated from the long winter, and starting projects around the house that have been neglected for far too long. Perhaps, however, your home is fine as is and you need a remodeling project for something other than your home. Estate planning is […]
Why Unmarried Couples Should Care about Estate Planning from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
According to a 2019 survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, 7 percent of surveyed adults were living with an unmarried partner, up from 3 percent in 1995.[1] More people such as yourself are entering long-term committed relationships without getting married. Unfortunately, many state and federal laws do not protect unmarried couples as they do […]
Moving to Austin? Get ready to update your estate plan! from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
If you are one of the 169 people moving to Austin every day, you know that moving can be a headache. There are so many things to get done to ensure a smooth transition from one home to the next. And when you move from one state to the next, the headaches just seem to […]
Sometimes, Two Heads Are Better Than One (and Sometimes, Three is Still Better) From Austin Estate Planning Lawyer Liz Nielsen
We all rely on our friends, family, and colleagues to help us through life’s challenges. These trusted individuals can also be incredibly important when setting up an estate plan. It is vital to appoint a fiduciary to act on your behalf. A fiduciary acts on your behalf, carrying out your wishes should you become incapacitated […]