No one wants to pay more taxes than they have to. To carry out this objective, many people search for the perfect estate planning tool that will allow them to control as much of their money and property as possible while reducing the amount they or their loved ones will have to pay the government. […]
The Pros and Cons of Probate from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
In estate planning circles, the word “probate” often carries a negative connotation. Indeed, many people—especially those with valuable accounts and property— desire to keep their accounts and property out of probate whenever possible. That being said, the probate system was ultimately established to protect the deceased’s accounts and property as well as their family, and […]
Things to Consider Before Accepting Your Inheritance from Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
The news that you will be receiving an inheritance is often bittersweet because it means that somebody close to you has passed away. But you might also have mixed emotions about your inheritance for reasons that have to do with the actual accounts or property you are inheriting. On the one hand, you might not want […]
Three Steps You Can Take Now to Protect Your Artistic Legacy by Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
Although your death is probably a long way off, it is important that you have a plan to ensure that your affairs are settled in the way that you want. An estate plan crafted by an experienced estate planning attorney is a legally enforceable set of documents that allows you to name who will have […]