Many people believe the trust protection myth, i.e. they believe that once they create a revocable living trust and change the ownership of their accounts and property from themselves as individuals to their trust, those accounts and property are protected from lawsuits. This is not true. While trusts commonly protect a beneficiary’s inheritance, few trusts […]
Estate Planning Basics for Newlyweds: How to Prepare for the Unexpected From Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
Getting married is a special time in your life; you may have a beautiful wedding, a fun reception (with a delicious cake and special gifts), and a romantic honeymoon. While estate planning might seem an odd choice, but it is also the right time for you and your new spouse to plan for your future—for […]
What to Do with Grandma’s Ring: Dividing Personal Property in an Estate from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
If you have a beloved late grandmother, many images and memories may come to mind when you reminisce about her. You might picture her at her home or at the family vacation house during the holidays. Your memory could be a special meal that only she prepared for you or a place she took you […]
Pros and Cons of Naming Many Residuary Beneficiaries in a Will or Trust from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
You have meticulously created your estate plan to ensure that it includes and addresses all of your most important assets (accounts and property). You have reviewed your asset list repeatedly, and everything seems to be accounted for. But what if you have forgotten something? Are you willing to update your plan every time you acquire […]