You have a lot riding on your small business. You have invested your money, time, and sweat equity to build a company that will be successful for years to come. Even if you make all the right business moves, unexpected costs can arise at any time. Accidents, natural disasters, data breaches, and other unexpected occurrences are […]
Asset Protection
Three Important Concerns Self-Employed Individuals Should Address from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
Being self-employed is no easy task. You are the owner, and in some cases, the only employee. While you may have more freedom than the average worker, a lot of responsibilities lie on your shoulders. Working together, we can craft a comprehensive estate plan that will help you address three important concerns you may have. […]
Home Security Systems and Estate Planning from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Elizabeth Ziegler
Estate planning helps bring peace of mind and a sense of security, both in our lifetime and beyond. While we cannot predict our fate, we can at least dictate how our money and property will be distributed and ensure that we provide for our loved ones. Physical security is a big part of feeling emotionally, psychologically, […]
What to Know about Limited Liability As You Grow Your Business from Austin Estate Planning Attorney John Glode
Owning a business involves risk. There are no guarantees that the founders of a company will get along, a product or service will sell, or market conditions or competitors will not create unanticipated barriers. While entrepreneurs must be willing to take a leap of faith, there are steps they can take to reduce risk, both for […]