Real estate is more than just your primary residence. It can include other real estate such as a vacation home or a rental property. Depending upon the type of real estate you own, the ideal form of title can vary. Below, we take a look at the different types of real estate and make suggestions […]
Asset Protection
Caution: Your Traditional Asset Protection Plan May Fail, by Austin Estate Planning Lawyer Liz Nielsen
You may not know exactly what asset protection is, but you likely have already engaged in it at some point during your life. In fact, you probably currently have one or more types of traditional asset protection planning in place. The problem is the type of planning you have right now may not be enough […]
Three Asset Protection Tips You Can Use Now from Austin Estate Planning Lawyer Liz Nielsen
A common misconception is that only wealthy families and people in high-risk professions need to have an asset protection plan. But in reality, anyone can be sued. A car accident, foreclosure, unpaid medical bills, or an injured tenant can result in a monetary judgment that may decimate your finances, leaving you with far less to […]
The Trust Protection Myth: Your Revocable Trust Protects Against Lawsuits from Austin Estate Planning Lawyer Liz Nielsen
Many people believe that once they set up a revocable living trust and transfer assets into the trust, those assets are protected from lawsuits. This is absolutely not true. While Trusts commonly provide asset protection for beneficiaries, few trusts protect assets owned by the person who created the trust. No Immediate Asset Protection? Why Should […]