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Does Your Revocable Living Trust Reduce Your Federal Estate Tax Bill? From Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Neilsen


Many believe that once they set up and fund a revocable living trust, property held in the trust will completely avoid federal estate taxes after they die. In reality, a Revocable Living Trust (RLT) does not exactly provide any unique estate tax avoidance strategies. The primary mechanisms for reducing estate taxes—the unlimited marital deduction and […]

The Estate of Richard Simmons: Sweatin’ the Small Stuff From Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Neilsen


Fitness icon Richard Simmons, known for his flamboyant personality, high energy, and trademark attire, passed away in July 2024 following a fall at his Los Angeles home. Because of a legal dispute case between his longtime housekeeper, Teresa Reveles Muro, and his brother, Leonard (Lenny) Simmons, the estate of the Sweatin’ to the Oldies star is […]

Enjoyable Things a Third-Party Special Needs Trust Can Be Used For From Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen

third party

A Third-Party special needs trust (SNT), sometimes known as a “Supplemental Needs Trust”, allows an individual to provide for a disabled beneficiary without jeopardizing the beneficiary’s eligibility for needs-based government benefits.  These SNT funds can generally be used to pay for almost anything that falls outside the basic support that programs such as Supplemental Security Income […]

How Do I Create an Estate Plan with an Only Child? From Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen

only child

Stereotypes surrounding “only child syndrome” have largely been debunked, as recent studies show that only children, on average, develop social skills similar to those of children with siblings.[1] Further, outdated perceptions surrounding only children have shifted as the average size of the American family has shrunk, and one-child families have become far more common. Raising […]

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