People often set up bank accounts or real estate so that they own them jointly with a spouse or other family member. The appeal of joint ownership, specifically with survivorship rights, is that when one owner dies, the other owner(s) will automatically inherit the property without it having to go through probate. Also, joint property […]
Liz Nielsen
Estate Planning for Pets from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
Few US adults have an estate plan. Even fewer have included a pet in their plan. Perhaps you have an estate plan that addresses who will take your pet when you die. But does it address the possibility of your incapacity and the need for a temporary pet caretaker? Formally incorporating your pet into an […]
Pros and Cons of Naming Many Residuary Beneficiaries in a Will or Trust from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
You have meticulously created your estate plan to ensure that it includes and addresses all of your most important assets (accounts and property). You have reviewed your asset list repeatedly, and everything seems to be accounted for. But what if you have forgotten something? Are you willing to update your plan every time you acquire […]
Can I Leave My Spouse Out of My Estate Plan? from Austin Estate Planning Attorney Liz Nielsen
The relationship between spouses is special in all contexts, not the least of which is the estate planning context. In many instances, you can exclude people (known as disinheriting them) from your estate plan, including your parents, siblings, and adult children. But there are special protections built into the law that may help protect a […]